Importance of assisted living

Importance of assisted living
An Independent living also called as the senior living are housing communities designed for seniors who have attained the age of 60 and above. Residents include seniors who do not require assistance with daily activities or 24/7 skilled nursing services. The paradigm shift from medically connoted nursing home care to that of an assisted living facility which is more socially rewarding comes from aspiring senior citizens who wish to age gracefully in a home-like an environment at an affordable cost. Sumukha follows a no-compromise approach to being self-reliable yet ensures an adequate support system that enables senior citizens to lead a life in their own terms.
Many elders prefer to stay in the comfort of their homes and lead an independent life after retirement. Family members, especially children living with the parents often endeavour to take the best possible care so that the senior citizens can go through a blissful life. However, some situations call for taking the support of senior care services. The reason being the family member needs a break from the demands and stress of care-giving or has some other commitments.
 In other cases, the seniors may require additional support and temporary assistance after hospitalization or for rehabilitation post-surgery or an injury. Yes, seniors are usually apprehensive about exploring this possibility and develop cold feet for making any changes in their routine. Therefore, assisted living facility or independent living homes offer a suitable solution to this problem.  
The assisted living facility is not a nursing home. Unlike regular senior living, communities revolve around support systems that take care of daily activities of senior citizens like reminders, dressing, and bathing. The assistance largely being non-medical and non-nursing related. The core emphasis is on creating a home- like an environment with an assisted living facility with sufficient touch points to enable senior citizens to connect and mingle with the society. So we can say that assisted living and independent living differ from each in one way or the other. 
The assisted living facility have staff and programs in place that support and assist the residents with a favorable home-like an environment. Senior residents get food and beverages all day as per their individual preferences; connect activities that ensure social engagement, housekeeping, laundry services, and so on. So it is more than home than most homes a senior could have lived in with support that turns the life of aging as good as an autopilot.
It could be a difficult decision to embark on the assisted living facility as a misunderstanding of the term assisted living facility for another regular retirement home. However, Sumukha is a perfect synergy of elderly social and safety living that enables the elderly to embrace life gleefully. 
The assisted living facility also render flexible dining options with healthy menus after consulting the dieticians to match the health requirements and personal taste buds of individual residents. Besides, the assisted living facility also offers a plethora of exciting activities to bring the residents together and to create a lively and stimulating environment. The assisted living facility provides the seniors with a customized window of opportunities to experience a ‘home away’ from their home while safeguarding their health and well-being.
Sumukha’s skilled trainers provide all the required attention and care with medication support, grooming, dressing, cooking and other tasks throughout the day. Staff at Sumukha will also coordinate services with outside health care providers and monitor residents to ensure they remain fit and healthy. Walking that extra mile, Sumukha can proudly concede that we are nowhere a comparison to old age homes, retirement homes or any independent living homes. 
The Final Word:
Whether you call it independent living or assisted living both helps seniors and aged people to relive those precious moments of life in dignity for ‘age is merely a number!’
To know more about assisted living facility book an appointment with Sumukha. Our Toll-Free is 1800-212-9707. You can also reach us at


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